Apocalypse, a working title
Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo
Group exhibition curated by Sjors Bindels and Valentina Gal

Museum van Bommel van Dam presents: ‘Apocalypse, a working title.’ This exhibition evolves around contemporary imagery and their aesthetics. The language they speak, the sounds they make and the stories they show us through their presents. This presents had to be fought for in a time where the immensity of what we call images is being attacked by itself, its reproduction and productivity.

The Apocalypse of the image; the knowledge that can be hidden again. Through the layers of mass production secrets can be lost and visions can be found.

‘Apocalypse, a working title.’ A combination of young artists working with new media and contemporary imagery. From modern animations to sculptures dealing with subjects like the internet. This younger generation of makers grew up in a different world, a worldwide world, full of new techniques, developments in the social arena en they will probably see in this life the first people who will travel to Mars.

The exhibition ‘Apocalypse, a working title.’ combines several pieces from the core-collection from Museum van Bommel van Dam with this new generation of makers, a clash, a rare meeting, but most of all a valuable experiment that maybe will give us an insight in the zeitgeists of one and the same world.
An Apocalypse is romantic, therefore it is asked for, pushing towards it, cheering for it, fighting side by side it.

Participating artists
Armando / Arthur Boer / Henri Boot / Flip van der Burgt / Marc Chagall / Daan Couzijn / Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof / Jan van Essen / Arash Fakhim / Valentina Gal /Jan Groenenstein / Aad de Haas / Thijs Jaeger /Onne Kamerlingh / Melle / Will Rieser / Mantas Rimkus / Gerard Sluyter/ Boris Smeenk / Nardus van de Ven / Joeri Woudstra / Dick Zwier